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05 Pedagogical activity of academician O.I. Dushechkin in higher educational institutions of Kyiv full article
Мyzdrenko O., Godun N.
Pages: 73–87

Studying the history of the establishment, formation and development of domestic agricultural science, we can assert that agricultural science originates from educational institutions, because in the second half of the XVIII century - at the beginning of the twentieth century it was scientific institutions (demonstration gardens, laboratories, research fields) that were entrusted with the task to consolidate the knowledge obtained by students in the educational process.

Among the cohort of outstanding national scientists, who achieved significant results in scientific and pedagogical activity, there is a figure of an outstanding scientist, full member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences - Olexandr Ivanovych Dushechkin (1874-1956).

O.I. Dushechkin has entered the history not only as a notable scientist-encyclopedist, who masterfully investigated issue of physiology of plants nutrition, microbiology and agrochemistry, agrophysiology and soil science, but also as an outstanding teacher, whose practical activity was decisive for improvement of agrochemical knowledge for practical workers in agriculture.

Talented teacher with exceptional teaching abilities managed to create the first agrochemical scientific school in Ukraine, which gave the world a pleiad of outstanding scientists. It is established that O.I. Dushechkin had great merits in training scientific personnel for agricultural education in Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. During his 35-year pedagogical activity O.I. Dushechkin prepared several generations of agronomists, agrochemists, plant physiologists and soil scientists. Many tens of scientists passed through his recognized school and continued the work of the teacher, working in scientific institutions and universities in different regions of our country.

The article is an attempt to reproduce pedagogical activity of an outstanding scientist, founder of famous agrochemical school, academician O.I.Dushechkin (1874-1956), his contribution to training of agricultural specialists was studied, the content of scientific and pedagogical activity of O.I.Dushechkin was revealed and analyzed, and the scientist's pedagogical views on improvement of agricultural education quality were covered.

Fruitful and versatile activity of the scientist provokes today in the process of reproduction of the history of the agrarian science and agricultural education in Ukraine to more deeply research his life and work using new archival materials and literary sources on agricultural scientists, workers, contemporaries of the scientist.

academician, agrochemistry, plant physiology, soil science, postgraduate studies, teaching activities
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