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03 |
Repressed rector of Stanislav Theological Seminary Avksentiy Boychuk (1888 – 1971): according to the materials of the archival-criminal case
full article |
Haliv M., Mykhats R.
Pages: |
30–52 |
Summary |
The life of the rector of the Stanislav Greek Catholic Theological Seminary, professor, doctor of theology Avksentiy Boychuk (1888 – 1971) and the stages of his biography are revealed in this article. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, scientificity, authorial objectivity, biographical approach, as well as general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization), special-historical (archeographic, historical-genetic, historical-systemic) methods. The scientific novelty of the article is that for the first time in Ukrainian historical biography on the basis of archival-criminal case the life and activity of A. Boychuk are studied.
It is investigated that A. Boychuk dedicated his life to the service of God, the Church and the training of future priests. He was a faithful assistant to the Stanislav Greek Catholic Bishop Hryhoriy Khomyshyn, and adhered to his political and ecclesiastical views. During the interwar period and the difficult years of the Nazi occupation, A. Boychuk made a significant contribution to the formation of educated cadres of the Greek Catholic clergy for the Stanislav Diocese of the Greek Catholic Church. His activity can be divided into five periods: 1) family upbringing, education in his native village, Chernivtsi, Lviv, Stanislav and Vienna, obtaining the degree of Doctor of Theology, ordination to the priesthood (1888 – 1920); 2) active organizational work in the church-religious and educational fields, acting as a member of the consistory, professor and rector of the Stanislav Theological Seminary (1920 – 1939); 3) finding ways to institutionally preserve the diocesan educational traditions in the conditions of the Soviet and German regimes during the World War ІІ (1939 – 1945); 4) arrest, conviction and serving a sentence in labor camps and special settlements (1945 – 1958); 5) return to his native village and completion of his life (1958 – 1971). It is important that the Ukrainian justice system in 1996 still found A. Boychukʼs conviction and punishment unfounded and rehabilitated him.
Keywords |
Avksentiy Boychuk, Hryhoriy Khomyshyn, Ivan Lyatyshevsky, Greek Catholic Church, Stanislav Diocese, Theological Seminary
References |
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