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Organization of archival affairs as an effective branch information resource of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
full article |
Myshak A.
Pages: |
239–249 |
Summary |
The value of historical and cultural-documentary heritage stored in the funds of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine and the issues of its interaction with the Central State Archive of Supreme Authorities and Administration of Ukraine in solving common problems of archival fund formation, its structure and content is highlighted. Particular attention is paid to the relevance of special library and archival collections from the "Funds of personal origin of outstanding scientists", which are preserved and introduced into scientific and cultural circulation.
It is proved that the library contains publications on the history of agricultural thought of the 19th century, the processes of formation, documents about outstanding scientists and their scientific achievements, which will be used for further research. Exhibition and publishing activities in the form of collections, monographs, databases, compilation of registers of especially valuable, unique documents, catalogs, etc. are used for representation and popularization of the archival documents. The formation of a new concept of the sector of archival and document science of NSAL NAAS as an open information space aimed at expanding source research in the field of archival affairs and filling the electronic database of archival documents.
The importance of the library's role in the organization of archival work as a resource for covering the events and processes of the historical reality of agricultural science through unique archival sources, public awareness of forgotten due to objective or subjective reasons prominent figures of agricultural science is proved. In the author's opinion, this is a strategic and priority area of the institution's activities, so that scientific research and its creators do not lose historical, scientific and national significance, which requires deepening cooperation with archival institutions of Ukraine of different subordination in the field of research of documentary complexes for creation in the future of a single information space in the system of archival resources of Ukraine and expansion of a complex of information services and services for users.
Keywords |
archive, formation, funds of personal origin, scientists, agrarian science, history, activity, agricultural library, representation
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