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Kyiv hydromelioration institute in the period of the nazi occupation
full article |
Tsybulskyi V.
Pages: |
201–224 |
Summary |
The article is devoted to the history of the Kyiv Hydromelioration Institute during the German-Nazi occupation. The source base of the study is, first of all, the documents of the State Archives of Kyiv and Rivne regions. They completely refute the claims of Soviet historians about the evacuation of the Institute to Alma-Ata. After all, the vast majority of teachers and many students remained in Kyiv. In fact, the material and technical base was not damaged. Initially, this made it possible to resume scientific activities, when teachers worked on the implementation of topics approved by the representatives of the Commissariat General. The training of 4-5 year students began in early March 1942, and the admission campaign, as a result of which more than 200 people were enrolled in the first year, took place in the summer. Classes on all courses started on September 1. Students received documents that protected them from being taken to Germany and gave them the opportunity to obtain food stamps. Senior students completed a theoretical course of study, passed an internship, received the topics of diploma projects, and after training successfully defended them in May - June 1943.
The author analyzed the quantitative and qualitative composition of teachers of the institute. There were 40 of them in November 1941, and 79 in July of the following year, and as many as 83 people after merging with the Institute of Hydrology in May 1943. Well-known scientists were among the teachers: Heorhii De-Metts (he published "General Methods of Teaching Physics" in Ukrainian for the first time in Ukraine in 1929), Oleksandr Koreniako (co-author of the first Ukrainian textbook on the theory of machines and mechanisms), Petro Sokolov (well-known specialist in the field of spatial matrices), Mykola Tiuleniev (founder of reclamation research in Ukraine), Borys Yankovych (organizer of the first in Kiev X-ray diagnostic room at the surgical clinic of Professor Volkovych).
The education of students (except for the fourth and fifth year students) ceased in February 1943, as one of the German military units occupied most of the premises of the institute. The management of the institute planned to resume studies in March 1943, but this did not happen. The main reasons were the military defeats of Germany and its allies near Stalingrad and the Kursk Bulge, and later their retreat from Kiev.
Keywords |
evacuation, Commissariat General, Kyiv Hydromelioration Institute , internship, Jakiv Snitsar, research station
References |
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