In connection with current trends in the deterioration of the health of children and young people, there is a natural need to find effective methodological approaches to protecting the health of children and young people, maternity protection, to instilling in students an interest in physical education and to introduce the latest technology into the system of school physical education. Studying the experience of past generations, namely the developments of famous scientists of medical and preventive profile, has an important place in this process.
In particular, there are analyzed scientific heritage of famous in 20-ies of XX century scientist-hygienist, Professor Volodymyr Yakovlevich Pidhaietsky in the field of physical training, eugenics, labour hygiene, he showed the methods of children and youth health protection, maternity protection. His scientific researches are of great importance as they promoted the beginning and development of new, at that time, scientific trends in Ukraine: anthroposociology, eugenics, medical genetics, physical education, labor hygiene, physiology and psychology of labor, scientific work organization in agriculture.
At the same time, the active participation of Professor V.Ya. Pidhaietsky in the creation of cells of scientific work on this subject is highlighted. He analysed the priority activities in physical education, which in combination with active advice on combating hereditary diseases, according to the scientist, should have formed the basis of a national eugenic policy which would have helped to improve the demographic situation.
In the addition to the care of physical development, education of physical abilities and correction of mistakes in the development of the younger generation, the current topic of scientific work of Professor V.Ya. Pidhaietsky was a study of hygiene and protection of motherhood and childhood. Being an experienced specialist in the field of scientific organization of labor, the scientist paid great attention to the protection of the generative function of women as expectant mothers. Taking into account the physiological features of the female body, V.Ya. Pidhaietsky revealed the importance of the destructive impact of industrial labor on a woman's body, especially in the absence of proper protection of women's professional activities.
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