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Activity of academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR V. P. Vasyliev in the context of development of entomologic researches of fruit crops in the second half of the 20th century
full article |
Kovalenko N., Shabelnykova К.
Pages: |
139–153 |
Summary |
The purpose of the article is to reveal the main directions of entomologic researches of fruit crops and measures to protect them from pests in the creative heritage of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR V. P. Vasyliev, determining its contribution to the organization of entomologic researches and practical implementation of effective technologies to protect fruit crops in different soil-climatic conditions of the Ukrainian SSR. The research is based on the use of the historical-scientific, historiographical, source analysis, as well as the biographical method. The source base covers a wide range of published materials, which are based on the scientific works of V. P. Vasyliev on various directions of entomologic science and protection of fruit crops from pests. The scientific novelty is in the substantiation of the scientist's creative contribution to the development of entomologic researches of fruit crops in the second half of the 20th century. The authors first systematized and analyzed the scientific works of V. P. Vasyliev devoted to research of pests of fruit crops and measures of combating them are.
Determined that as an innovator of advanced methods of plant protection, the scientist developed and substantiated a system of measures to protect fruit crops from insects and mites based on the development and application of new technologies, including agrotechnical, mechanical, biological, genetic, physiological and chemical methods. The scientist found out that a set of agrotechnical measures was important to increase the durability and productivity of orchards, which was aimed at creating favorable conditions for the growth and fruiting of trees. He considered important biological pests control measures that ensured the use of their natural enemies – parasites and predatory insects (entomophages), as well as preparations that included cultures of microorganisms or products of their activities. His researches headed on finding new ways to control pests that were safe for humans and beneficial fauna. These measures were based on genetic and physiological methods of regulating the behavior and activity of insects. The scientist considered a promising approach to chemical plant protection in the direction of using insecticides as a way to control the number of populations of harmful species. He determined the expediency of chemical treatment of orchards by such criteria as the economic level of harmfulness and the threshold of the number of pests at which the treatment should be carried out to prevent damage exceeding the economic level.
The priority of the scientist in the development and scientific substantiation of the zoning of the system of measures to control pests of fruit crops, taking into account the soil-climatic zones of the Ukrainian SSR has been proved. His publications have become the basis of the system of protection of fruit crops, agricultural crops and forest plantations and have not lost the significance up to the present.
Keywords |
development, entomologic researches, methods of plant protection, pests, insects, mites, fruit crops, V. P. Vasyliev
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