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Activity of Vladimir Soifer in the field of metallurgy and casting
full article |
Zhurilo D., Zhumenkova D.
Pages: |
128–138 |
Summary |
This article shows the activities of the bishop Ephraim Pereyaslavl end of XI - beginning of XII The article is devoted to doctor of technical sciences, inventor and researcher Vladimir Markovich Soifer’s analysis of scientific and practical activities in the field of metallurgy and casting.
Since the middle of the twentieth century, metallurgy and casting have received a new pulse of rapid development, which is associated with the emergence of original methods for melting and casting alloys based on iron. On the other hand, machine-building enterprises required high-quality metal. Academic institutes and educational institutions of Ukraine and the former USSR tried to solve the problem of providing enterprises with raw materials. In these conditions, the talent of the researcher was shown, that allowed V. M. Soifer and his co-workers to do fundamental researches in the field of melting furnaces for iron-based alloys. They made it possible to dramatically increase the operating time of the equipment and get a considerable economic effect. When using a new type of lining mass, it became possible to establish continuous casting of alloys based on iron in the conditions of existing enterprises. Vladimir Markovich is an active popularizer of the history of metallurgy and casting, the author of more than 250 scientific works, including 4 monographs.
The methodological basis of the research was made up of general scientific, interdisciplinary and special historical research methods. Historiographic and source studying analysis has proved that they do not pay due attention to the activities of a considerable number of prominent scientists, especially their inventive activities.
Keywords |
history of Science and technology of Ukraine, history of metallurgy, casting, inventive activity, Vladimir Markovich Soifer, electric furnaces, lining
References |
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