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Scientific and organizational fundamentals of establishment and development of agricultural research affairs in the Imperial Kharkiv and Kyiv Universities (beginning of the XIX century – 1860s)
full article |
Holikova O.
Pages: |
91–127 |
Summary |
The historical preconditions of the formation of scientific and organizational bases of agricultural research as an independent branch of natural science in the oldest in Ukraine imperial Kharkiv and Kyiv universities are investigated. The chronology of the work covers the period from the establishment of higher education institutions to the beginning of the modernization processes of the 60s of the XIX century. The process of formation and evolution of specialized departments according to statutory documents is shown and features of formation of their personnel are analyzed. The influence of classical German universities and the role of foreign professors in the development of specialized departments at the initial stage of their existence are generalized. The importance of state measures to solve the problem of training for the departments of agriculture is highlighted. The directions of research activity are considered and the specified list of printed works of outstanding university professors of the departments of agriculture and forestry of Kharkiv and Kyiv universities is given: V. Ya. Kochetov, I. F. Yakubovsky, S. M. Khodetsky. The contribution of professors of other natural sciences departments to the formation of the principles of branch research is noted. The history of creation of university botanical gardens as centers of research activity is revealed. The significance of the activity of the founder of the Philotechnical Society V. N. Karazin from the point of view of the beginning of branch research in Slobozhanshchina is established.
Keywords |
agricultural research, branch research, branch education, Imperial Kharkiv University, Imperial Kyiv University, Department of Agriculture, V. Ya. Kochetov, I. F. Yakubovsky, S. M. Khodetsky
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