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Volodymyr Lystopad: life and creative work in the conditions of soviet reality (1912 – 1985)
full article |
Ilnytskyi V., Boichuk A., Dushniy А.
Pages: |
29–44 |
Summary |
The article, based on the archival and criminal cases (Volodymyr and Paraskoviya Lystopad) and materials from private archives (Andrew and Euphrosyne Dushnykh), fills the existing gap in the study of the figure of Volodymyr Lystopad. The study of these materials allowed, in particular, to establish general information about his family (father, mother, brothers, sister, wife, and a child) and information about the way of life: the work in a bookstore (1928 – 1937), studying at Mykola Lysenko Music Institute ( 1937 – 1939), work in Lviv Philharmonic (1939 – 06.1941), Variety Theater and bookstore (1941 – 07.1942), secretariat in the office of “Purchase and Audit” (Rivne), the acting regent of the church choir at the Autocephalous Church (1942 – 1943), work in the officers' school “Druzhynnyky” (1943), service in the RA (02.1944 – 11.1945), teaching at the Lviv Cultural and Educational School (now – Lviv Professional College of Culture and Arts) (1960 – the 1970s) and the Old Sambir Children's Music School (1972 – 1975). The fact of recruitment of V. Lystopad by the Soviet law enforcement agencies was established, but he did not go for real cooperation, trying to avoid it (he even moved from Rivne to Lviv). He was convicted and sentenced to eight years of prison. The creative path of Lystopad is also revealed, namely: compositional works (original works, translations, and instrumentation for bandura, choir, orchestra); work as a conductor and leader of groups (Lviv Chapel “Dibrova”, bandura ensemble of the State Music School in Staryi Sambir)
Keywords |
Volodymyr Lystopad, repressions, OUN, URA, Druzhinnyky officers' school, creative work
References |
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