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Development of industrial crafts on the territory Zadniprsky Places of Hetmanate (XVII - first half of the XVIII century)
full article |
Haliv M., Mykhats R.
Pages: |
13–28 |
Summary |
The aim of the work is to reveal the biography of the doctor Severyn Danylevich (1921 – 1993), who took part in the Ukrainian liberation movement of the middle of the XX century and was repressed by Soviet special services. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, scientificity, authorial objectivity, biographical approach, as well as general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization), special-historical (archeographic, historical-genetic, historical-systemic) methods. The scientific novelty of the article is that for the first time in the Ukrainian historical biography the life and activity of the doctor Severyn Danylevych (1921 – 1993) are studied.
In the life and work of Severyn Danylevych can be divided into several main stages: 1) childhood and adolescence (1921 – 1940), spent in his native village, secondary education in Ternopil; 2) higher education at the Lviv Medical Institute (1940 – 1944), which, due to the difficult circumstances of the war, was interrupted several times; 3) participation in the Ukrainian liberation movement (January – November 1944), in which the doctor held the position of medical chief (“sanitary chief”) of the OUNʼs Drohobych district leadership; 4) imprisonment (1944 – 1956) in the Vorkuta Correctional Labor Camp (Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic); 5) release and return to civilian life (1956 – 1993), re-acquisition of higher medical education, rehabilitation in the early 1990s. Of course, the decisive influence on the life of S. Danylevych was his participation in the nationalist underground, where he served medical chief of the OUNʼs Drohobych district leadership, engaged in the procurement of medicines for the UPA, treated wounded insurgents. In general, the S. Danylevychʼs fate is another illustration of the destructive influence of the Stalinist totalitarian system on the lives of every “little man”.
Keywords |
Severyn Danylevych, OUN, UPA, Drohobych, repressions, rehabilitation of political prisoners
References |
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