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Oskar von Miller's contribution to the formation of the German Museum of Outstanding Achievements in Natural Science and Technology
повна стаття |
Prysiazhniuk O.
Сторінки: |
154–170 |
Короткий огляд |
The German Museum of Outstanding Achievements in Natural Science and Technology in Munich was founded in 1903. For three years, its founder, electrical engineer Oskar von Miller (1855-1934), collected an extensive collection of historical and technical exhibits, and in 1906 the museum was opened to the public. The individual creative power of Oskar von Miller needed a certain social and cultural basis on which it could be realized. Miller's intentions were related to current problems in the country and his museum project corresponded to the interests of the national elite. The great popularity of the museum among the population and the concept of the museum itself is undoubtedly the merit of Oscar von Miller. The German Museum in Munich demonstrated for the first time that not only artists, but also technicians created masterpieces, not only philosophers, but also inventors had ingenious ideas, not only medieval objects, but also modern technology is a relic. O. von Miller formulated the most important motives and goals of the museum as follows: documentation of the role of technology for the development of society and culture; the implementation of an educational function in the presentation of technology, the achievement of a national status. The didactic principles of organizing exhibitions in the museum served to popularize natural science laws, to visually demonstrate the functional application of technical inventions. The presentation of technical objects was qualitatively different from the exhibition principles of other technical museums. Demonstration of old technologies and historical machines in action was already the norm in museum work. O. von Miller set the task of the museum to explain the technology of manufacturing technical products, such as watches, fabrics, and so on, for which fragments of workshops and factories were reproduced in exhibitions. For the first time in a technical museum, in addition to the traditional chronological display of technical inventions, the principle of operation of machines and apparatus was explained by means of experiments conducted with exhibits by visitors and museum staff. This function was extremely new for the technical museum and was nevertheless carried out mainly by the public, mainly students and young people. The immersion into the environment and the public's participation in the technical process was Oskar von Miller's tremendous contribution to the technical exhibitions of all museums.
Ключові слова |
natural science, technology, outstanding achievements, technical museum, technical invention, exhibition, creative power
Список використаних джерел та літератури |
- Alexander E. P. Museum Masters. Their Museums and Their Influence. Nashville: The American Association for State and Local History Tennessee, 1983. 428 p.
- Deutsches Museum. Unter dem Protektorate Seiner Kgl. Hoheit des Prinzen Ludwig von Bayern. Satzung. Allerhöchst genehmigt unter Verleihung der Rechtsfähigkeit einer Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechtes am 28. Dezember 1903. München: F. Bruckmann, 1903. §1-3. 92 s.
- Dickinson H. W. Oskar von Miller. Museums Journal. 1934. № 6. Р. 76-79.
- Füßl W. Oskar von Miller 1855–1934: eine Biographie. München: C. H. Beck, 2005. 452 s.
- Hochreiter W. Vom Musentempel zum Lemort: zur Sozialgeschichte deutscher Museen 1800-1914. Darmstadt: wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 1994. 327 s.
- Kristl W. Hier darf jeder tun was ich will: Oskar von Miller in Anekdoten und Monumentaufhahmen. Pfaffenhofen: Verlag W.W. Ludwieg, 1978. 91 s.
- Miller V. von. Oskar von Miller: Pionier der Energiewirtschaft, Schöpferdes Deutschen Museums. München: F. Bruckmann, 1955. 112 s.
- Osietzki M. Die Gründung des Deutschen Museums. Motive und Kontroversen. Kultur & Technik. 1984. № 1-2. S. 1-79
- Pörtner R. Oskar von Miller. Der Münchner, der das Deutsche Museum «erfand». München: Econ. 1987. 160 s.
- Stange A. Das Deutsche Museum von Meisterwerken der Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Historische Skizze. München-Berlin: Deutsches Museum, 1906. 213 s.
References |
- Alexander, E. P. (1983) Museum Masters. Their Museums and Their Influence. Nashville: The American Association for State and Local History Tennessee.
- Deutsches Museum (1903). Unter dem Protektorate Seiner Kgl. Hoheit des Prinzen Ludwig von Bayern. Satzung. Allerhöchst genehmigt unter Verleihung der Rechtsfähigkeit einer Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechtes am 28. Dezember 1903. München: F. Bruckmann, 1903. §1-3 Retrieved from https://www.deutsches-museum.de/wir-ueber-uns/museums-geschichte/ [in German].
- Dickinson, H. W. (1934) Oskar von Miller. Museums Journal, 6, 76-79.
- Füßl, W. (2005) Oskar von Miller 1855–1934: eine Biographie. München: C.H. Beck [in German].
- Hochreiter, W. (1994) Vom Musentempel zum Lemort: zur Sozialgeschichte deutscher Museen 1800-1914. Darmstadt: wiss. Buchgesellschaft [in German].
- Kristl, W. (1978) Hier darf jeder tun was ich will: Oskar von Miller in Anekdoten und Monumentaufhahmen. Pfaffenhofen: Verlag W.W. Ludwieg [in German].
- Miller, V. von (1955) Oskar von Miller: Pionier der Energiewirtschaft, Schöpferdes Deutschen Museums. München: F. Bruckmann [in German].
- Osietzki, M. (1984) Die Gründung des Deutschen Museums. Motive und Kontroversen. Kultur & Technik, 1-2, 1-79 [in German].
- Pörtner, R. (1987) Oskar von Miller. Der Münchner, der das Deutsche Museum «erfand». München: Econ [in German].
- Stange, A. (1906) Das Deutsche Museum von Meisterwerken der Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Historische Skizze. München-Berlin: Deutsches Museum [in German].