 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
15 |
Information resources of modern libraries: world experience
full article |
Myshak A.
Pages: |
215–229 |
Summary |
The article discusses the problems of using and distributing electronic information resources, the introduction of new technologies that allow organizing user services both directly in the library and remotely, providing information as soon as possible, increasing accessibility from anywhere at any time. Indeed, in developed countries, information is the most important object of production activity and consumption, since it significantly affects the directions and results of progress in the scientific, technical, cultural and other spheres of life of these countries. Information has become one of the most significant resources of society and is viewed at the state level as a strategic resource. Preservation, development and rational use of this strategic resource is of great importance for any society and state.
The reasons for the high-quality and effective formation and use of information resources due to the peculiarities of libraries of various levels and departmental subordination with archives, museums and any other institutions that acquire, create, transform and organize the use of information resources are also disclosed.
Projects that provide a high level of library and information services and the integration of libraries into the global information space are highlighted on the example of the work of world libraries, in particular, the National Library of Norway, Sweden and Belarus on the formation of information resources, namely: the implementation of selective collection of information, the formation of web collections - resources within the legal deposit of documents, attempts to preserve the resources of the entire world "web", the creation of international cooperative Internet archives, open access to significant amounts of information and the possibility of using networks.
Keywords |
information resources, full-text editions, creation, library, information
References |
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