 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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Serial publications of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of NAAS as a component of sectoral bibliography
full article |
Kovalenko S.
Pages: |
194–214 |
Summary |
The article describes the scientific and bibliographic activities of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine for the preparation of scientific publications in 13 series: "Academicians of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine", "Biobibliography of Agricultural Scientists of Ukraine", "Agrarian science of Ukraine in persons, documents, bibliography", "Scientific historical and bibliographic readings", "Corresponding members of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine", "Famous scientists and educators of Ukraine", "Land Management Science", "Foreign members of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine", "Academicians and Corresponding Members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for Agriculture", "Foreign Agricultural Book in the funds of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and research institutions and universities of agricultural profile", "Information and bibliographic resources for agro-industrial production of Ukraine", "Biobibliography of scientists, education of Culture of Ukraine", "Honorary members of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences auk of Ukraine ». Specialists of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of NAAS led by the sector of scientific bibliography and biography of the Institute of History of Agrarian Science, Education and Technology direct their work to create a sectoral bibliography as part of the national (state) bibliography. Serial scientific publications are a significant achievement in agricultural science, and are also part of the national (state) bibliography of Ukraine.
Keywords |
agrarian science, serial publications, bibliographic indexes, scientific publications, agricultural library, agrarian history, branch bibliography, scientific support
References |
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