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Fruitful way of the scholar, agrarian, economist, professor Kyryl George Teleshek (1894–1977)
full article |
Mazna O.
Pages: |
170–182 |
Summary |
The article is aimed to disclose main aspects of life, scholar and pedagogical activities of Kyryl George Teleshek, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Associate Member of Ukrainian Academy Of Agricultural Science (UAAS), «Honored Scientist of the USSR». Apparently in domestic historiography there are no detailed biographical insights as well as analytical notes of his scientific achievements on the problems of economy and organization in agricultural industries in the USSR. The methodology laid out in this publication uses general scientific and history specific ways, including analysis, synthesis and classification. There are also problem-chronological, comparative-historical and personalization methods as well as historiographical and source analysis used in this paper.
There are main milestones of Teleshek’s scholar life are highlighted. In particular, his higher education, formed scientific interests as well as overall his research directions. Beginning his scientific path he started at the Kharkiv Institute of National Economy, when in the 1930s joined the scientific expeditions to Kazakhstan, the Lower Dnieper Sands region, Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions. Lately in different periods he made his main achievements with the teams of the Institute of Agricultural Economics UAAS, Tsyurupynsky Research Station, Kharkiv Zootechnical Institute, V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv Agricultural Institute honored by the Labor Red Flag Order.
Having studied Kyryl Teleshek papers we can divide them into the following areas: agricultural production specialization; state and collective farms production profitability; streamlining of livestock production; scientific of labor arrangement; labor technical rationing. Analyzing Professor Kyryl Teleshek scientific achievements proved their importance to the development of agriculture and its scientific boost during in the period.
Keywords |
creative heritage, agriculture, economy, research institute, scientific achievements
References |
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