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11 Activity of Anatolii Trotsan in the field of materials science full article
Kossko T.
Pages: 153–169

The present article is concerned with the analysis of scientific and practical activities in the field of materials science, inventive and educational work of Anatolii Trotsan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology.

The recent problems are the popularization of the achievements of Ukrainian scientists, the practical implementation of their scientific developments and up to date technology transfer in the market economy environment.

The analysis of research and publications on the history of domestic science and technology has shown that at the present stage of development new names of outstanding scientists are being discovered. It is important to study their contribution to the development of domestic science and industry, especially during the times of independent Ukraine. The methodological basis of the study is a combination of general scientific, interdisciplinary and special historical research methods.

After the World War II, materials science became one of the most powerful areas of science in the USSR and later in Ukraine, and gave the world many outstanding academic scientists, and one of them is Anatolii Trotsan.

Anatolii Trotsan was born on the 29th of August, 1945. He is the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. His activity was dedicated to materials science, metallurgical industry, scientific-practical and educational work. Anatolii Trotsan taught in higher educational institutionsfor more than 20 years. He is known not only in Ukraine but also abroad as an outstanding specialist in materials science and ferrous metallurgy, out-of-furnace processing, modification and microalloying of iron-carbon alloys.

The scientist connected his life with the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, where he worked as a junior researcher at the Institute for Problems of Materials Science (IPM of the USSR Academy of Sciences). Anatolii Trotsan embodied scientific and practical achievements not only in scientific works, but also in exploratory activity. Thus, he is the author and co-author of about 170 author`s certificates of the USSR and Ukrainian patents for inventions and utility models. Achievements of Anatolii Trotsan were highly praised by the Government of Ukraine, and he was heralded with the honorary title of "Honored Inventor of Ukraine" in 2008.

Scientific research has found practical application in innovative technologies, the introduction of which has brought millions in profits. The main scientific researches s of the scientist were madewith the consideration ofthe improvement of environmental factors.Historiographical and source analysis revealed that the works on the history of science and technology of Ukraine did not pay due attention to the activities of some prominent scientists, especially their inventive activity.

history of science and technology of Ukraine, materials science, metallurgical industry, inventive activity, Anatolii Trotsan, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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