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08 |
Participation of A. Lindfors in the work of the South-West department of the Imperial Russian geographical society
full article |
Yutsevych P.
Pages: |
102–115 |
Summary |
The article examines the work of one of the leading liberals-constitutionalists of the Russian Empire Alexander Lindfors (1837–1890) as a member of the South-Western Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Such a topic was not the subject of research by scientists, because even the personality of A. Lindfors was studied in detail exclusively by O. Rakhno and P. Yutsevych. Instead, the work of the Geographical Society in Kyiv, where A. Lindfors was active, is presented quite fully, especially in the largest project - a one-day census of the city on March 2, 1874. The purpose of this article is to study the participation of A. Lindfors in the South-West Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, to determine the reasons for his membership in the organization and the consequences of his contribution to its work. The main research methods were historical-genetic, retrospective, and critical analysis. The scientific novelty was to find out the role of A. Lindfors in the activities of the Society, as well as to identify the address of his apartment in Kyiv. In the course of the research we came to the conclusion that the main reason for A. Lindfors's joining the organization was the interest in the work of the Society of his sisters, as well as close acquaintances, for example, A. Rusov. A secondary reason we were able to determine the nature of A. Lindfors and his desire to work for people. As we found out, he was active not only during the one-day census of Kyiv, but also during the development of its plan. During the preparation and conduct of the census, A. Lindfors as a member of the supervisory committee was responsible together with G. Tsvitkovsky for the Kurenivsky quarter of Kyiv. He consulted all those interested in the census daily from 10:00 to 12:00 (except Sunday) on Fundukleivska Street in the Markovsky house. We also found that the last meeting attended by A. Lindfors was a meeting of members of the Society on June 5, 1874. Further participation of a prominent Zemstvo leader in this organization was not recorded.
Keywords |
A. Lindfors, South-Western Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, census, Kyiv, Fundukleivska Street
References |
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