04 |
The life path of Bogdan Gnatovich Hotkevich
full article |
Dyakova Н., Topchiі D., Steshenko N.
Pages: |
51–61 |
Summary |
The purpose of this publication is to highlight the life path of one of Gnat Khotkevich’s sons, Bogdan. Methods. The article is based on modern national tools, in particular on historical and sociological research methods. Among the historical methods, the principle of consistency is used, while sociological methods include behavioral and cross – cultural methods. Scientific novelty. For the first time the subject of a special study was a more or less complete biography of Bogdan Khotkevich. Based on the analysis of his criminal case, his sister's memoirs and individual publications, his life path is described. Conclusions. Bogdan Khotkevich lived a short, but rather difficult and turbulent life. His worldview was strongly influenced by the arrest of his father, which forced Bogdan Khotkevich to take up arms to fight the Soviet government. He did not want to live in the USSR, as the version of his death clearly shows
Keywords |
Bohdan Khotkevich, Soviet-German war, occupation, Wehrmacht, repression, Ukrainian nationalists
References |
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