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Ukrainian soviet family: stages of formation
full article |
Gumeniuk O.
Pages: |
34–50 |
Summary |
History of Everyday Life is a new trend in contemporary Ukrainian historical research, but we have little to do with the life and living space of the family. The topic of the article covers the time span caused by the domination of Soviet power in Ukrainian lands and (often) in the minds of Ukrainians. The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of the formation of family policy of the Soviet authorities and the coexistence of private and nation-wide in the domestic space of Ukrainian families since the Soviet system. The source base was mostly memoirs, documents, statistical collections, and eyewitness accounts. The main results. A comparative analysis of the existence of Soviet families at different times of the existence of the Soviet system is presented. Some parallels are drawn between the traditional Ukrainian family in the pre-revolutionary period and family innovations in the Soviet period. The role of the party in the life of the Soviet man was emphasized, which often also concerned family and marriage life. Conclusions have been made about the possibility of studying the codes and laws of the USSR, which concerned precisely the family life of Soviet people, which in turn make it possible to study in more detail individual stories from the history of almost all social classes of the USSR. The memories, in turn, reveal the invisible, and sometimes striking, difference of life of the Soviet family inside and outside the so-called collective. Statistics and document collections provide a picture of marriages, divorces, and grievances to local governments that are amazed at their content. The Bolshevik elite immediately set out to form a new family. Since the issues of the family of the future were considered rather shabby, utopian ideas about the dying away of the family under socialism were quite common. It has been proclaimed that marriages can take any form of harming the race or economic oppression. It should be noted that such family policy and ideology did not become official and dominant, but confirmed the need for family transformation in the interests of the state.
Keywords |
household space,the Soviet system, everyday life, the Communist Party, marriage, ideology
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