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02 |
Development of industrial crafts on the territory Zadniprsky Places of Hetmanate (XVII - first half of the XVIII century)
full article |
Butko A.
Pages: |
14–33 |
Summary |
The article is devoted to the development of crafts - fishing, hunting, beekeeping and milling in the territory of the Zadniprsky places of the Hetmanate during the seventeenth - first half of the eighteenth centuries. The article highlights the level of their development, made generalizations and conclusions, analyzing the information available documentary and historiographical written sources.
The level of development of the crafts of the former Zadnitsky places of the Hetmanate was not the subject of a separate study in Ukrainian historical science, and this topic still remains poorly researched. During the study of this topic, the author uses the available written sources and information on historiographical literature. Documents on the ownership of the Zadniprisky soils (as well as some other - the description of the territory, registers of apiaries and mills, hetman universals), provide information about the presence of beasts and fish, apiaries, mills in a certain territory, and, respectively, make it possible to determine a certain level the development of crafts (fishing, hunting), boarding (beekeeping), millinery. The research provides a rather solid, historically interesting data on the development of industrial and land, forest, water, apiaries and mills in the Zadniprsky places, and substantially complements the historical study of the level of development of industries – fisheries, hunting, beekeeping, and the ministries of the Hetmanate as a whole.
Natural conditions contributed to the development of crafts in the territory. As can be seen from the sources, the fishery in the territory beyond the river Tyssyn and Vysytsia Great, were quite common occupations of the population in the XVII century. During the seventeenth century. to the local rivers and their influx, steppe and forest tracts, inhabitants of the fertile territories "went" to the seasonal crafts - hunting, fishing, boarding and other kinds, often organized by the Ukrainian and Polish administrations and the ruling gentry, the сossack the elder and the сossacks, who over time appropriated and mastered land, forest, water lands on the rights of the Zamanishi, redeemed the right to own and use them (with the attempt to secure ownership rights, documented by the Polish or Russian government, and the сossack elder, hetman) in economic for the money paid to the government or the сossack treasury, built mills, created their apiaries here and set up farms in the farms. Over time, in the first half of the eighteenth century, fishing, fishing, hunting, beekeeping, and multinationalism in the territory of the Zadniprsky places of the Hetmanate reached a rather high level of development.
Keywords |
territory of the Zadniprsky places of the Hetmanate, documents on the rights of ownership to soils, industrial waste, fish and animals of the cows, apiaries, mills
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