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Creation of a scientific agrarian discourse at the end of the 20s - in the 30s. XX century in the Ukrainian SSR
full article |
Shchebetyuk N.
Pages: |
257–284 |
Summary |
The article is devoted to the process of accumulation of knowledge about the formation and further development of scientific-organizational and theoretical-methodological bases of agrarian science and research in this segment of the historical path of Ukraine. The process of formation of scientific discourse on the development of agricultural science in Ukraine in the late 20 – 3's of the twentieth century. reflects the evolution of agrarian scientific thought in the historiographical space and helps to clarify issues that require further in-depth research. Based on the application of subject-chronological and comparative-historical methods, the historiographical developments of researchers are highlighted, which form certain blocks in relation to chronology, topics, methodology.
It is established that historiographical works of the Soviet era are characterized by a variety of thematic content of publications and methodological approaches, highlight aspects of the development of branch science, contribute to a critical rethinking of the historical process, in particular the late 20-30's of the twentieth century. Modern researchers based on the results of archival materials update the solution of general problems of formation and further development of domestic research, creation of new directions and doctrines taking into account the historical experience of leading scientific schools and personification of the history of agricultural science of Ukraine. The fundamental role of works is clarified V.V. Wienera, S.O. Zakharova, S.P. Kulzhinsky, M.K. Nedokuchaeva, O.K. Filipovsky, O.A. Yanati and others in the formation of the theoretical and methodological basis of the evolution of domestic industry experimentation in the period under study.
Installed sufficient level of elaboration of the problem of development of agrarian science and research in the late 20's - in the 30's of the twentieth century. in Ukraine. Scientific circulation contains meaningful generalizing works, where in the context of consideration of components of branch research in historical retrospect scientific and organizational forms of maintenance of development of agrarian branch of Ukraine are opened. Perception and consideration of the established division of historiographical research in accordance with the political system of the Ukrainian state are quite justified, especially in reflecting the methodological projections of researchers. In this regard, we observe a certain leveling in the Soviet period of the method of personification, biographical and bibliographic methods, as well as the principles of historical knowledge. However, this does not diminish the value of the first group of developments that correct or even form the basis of historical research of modern researchers. Their use of modern methodological tools, supported by the archival base, ultimately contributes to the successful performance of the functions of historical sciences. Active elaboration in recent decades of the problem of historical development of agricultural science shows the growing interest in learning and rethinking the history of Ukrainian science.
Keywords |
agricultural science, research, institutionalization, historiographic work, history of development, scientific and organizational foundations, methodology
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