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Formation of herbarium of the Graduate Uman School of agriculture and horticulture Julius Robertovich Lantsky in the conditions of the end of the XIX century
full article |
Mamchur T.
Pages: |
193–207 |
Summary |
The article presents the life of a graduate of the Uman School of Agriculture and Horticulture (successor Uman National University of Horticulture) Julius Robertovich Lantsky. The acquaintance with his scientific works preserved in the Scientific Library of Uman National University of Horticulture is carried out. Herbarium specimens in the funds of the Scientific Herbarium of Uman National University of Horticulture (UM) collected by him during his studies, teaching activities on the basis of experimental plots and the territory of the Tsaritsyno Garden (now the National Dendrological Park “Sofievka” of the NAS of Ukraine) were processed.
During the inventory of herbariums, an assortment of bush and tree plants promising in the training of highly qualified gardeners and foresters was found. Students of the school received knowledge in the natural environment, according to the curricula of the Ministry of Agriculture, during the development of such subjects as “Botany”, “Ornamental Gardening”, “Forestry”. They studied the acclimatization of plants, the species composition of introducers, their varieties and forms, were engaged in reproduction and introduction into botanical gardens, parks, homesteads, carried out descriptions, designed herbarium collections.
Today, herbarium collections serve as a resource center and collective use of the university, providing students with basic knowledge of botanical subjects. In 2016, the Scientific Herbarium of Uman National University of Horticulture was registered in the international database Index Herbariorum (New York) and assigned an identifier, acronym (UM).
Keywords |
Julius Robertovich Lantsky, Uman School of Agriculture and Gardening, historical herbaria, Scientific Herbarium of the Uman National University of Horticulture
References |
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