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Financing of the space industry of Ukraine in the context of world trends and experience of leading countries (historical and scientific analysis)
full article |
Malitsky E.
Pages: |
171–192 |
Summary |
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the trend of declining funding for the rocket and space industry of Ukraine, which developed after the 90s of last century, not only intensifies but also significantly worsens compared to trends in funding, both in leading space powers and in new countries, joined in recent years for the first time in the development of space research and development. The purpose of the study is to determine the scale and consequences of these changes for Ukraine, as well as to formulate proposals to increase the efficiency of the domestic scientific potential of the rocket and space industry by improving the state policy of its financing.
To this end, an analysis of the state of funding for research and development in Ukraine in comparison with the space powers of the world and the new space powers. The main factors that most influence the development of rocket and space research and development in the world are highlighted. It is shown that the importance, especially for large countries, remains on the factor of "national security", as well as scientific goals aimed at direct study of near and far space. Increasing importance is attached to the development of this industry in the interests of using the results of space research, technology and products of the industry in the field of terrestrial use.
There is a clear relationship and relationship in different countries between the amount of funding for science in general and the amount of space research costs. This dependence can be traced throughout the historical period of cosmonautics in the twentieth and first decades of the modern century. It is also typical for Ukraine. There is also a correlation between military budgets and space spending. This dependence persists in Ukraine with some fluctuations associated with rising defense spending over the past five years.
The study of trends in the structure of sources of funding for the space industry has revealed a certain pattern: the budgets of countries remain the main source of funding for research and innovation in this sector. However, the number of commercial structures in the market of space research and development is growing, which opens new trends in the financing of the industry. In Ukraine, this trend is not noticeable, both due to the very small amount of budget funding for the industry and its weak investment support from business.
The author considers these dependencies as certain standard guidelines for the formation of state policy of financing the space industry. The results demonstrate the possibility that Ukraine can intensify its space rocket industry by prioritizing the support of its own strategic capability, accumulated over a significant historical period of development of scientific and technical potential in the field of space research, technology and technology, which does not exist in many countries. For the first time, join space issues. Another important advantage in the development of the industry is the long-term scientific support of the development of space technologies and equipment by the institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The author, based on the analysis of existing sources, summarized the experience of scientific support for the development of the domestic rocket and space industry.
Keywords |
rocket and space industry, structure and priorities of financing of space researches and developments, comparative analysis of financing, contribution of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, scientific support of development of space technologies and equipment
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