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Activities of the All-Ukrainian tractor committee in the 20 years of the XX century
full article |
Kryvokon O., Kozoriz V.
Pages: |
152–170 |
Summary |
Based on the analysis of scientific works and publications in Soviet periodicals, the activity of the All-Ukrainian Committee for the Assistance to Tractor Science and Tractor Use (All-Ukrainian Tractor Committee) was first investigated. In the 1920s, it acted as an interdepartmental coordinating body at the Ukrainian Economic Conference and played an important role in the processes of tractorization of agriculture in the Ukrainian SSR.
The purpose of the article is to clarify the specific functions and powers that have been assigned to the Tractor Committee and ways to implement them in the NEP.
The socio-economic preconditions for the creation of the Tractor Committee and the peculiarities of its activities during the broad tractor campaign are highlighted.
It was established that the All-Ukrainian Tractor Committee had a wide range of powers assigned to it in 1926 by a separate provision of the Ukrainian Economic Council. One of its most important functions was the distribution and use on the ground of tractors purchased by the USSR and the USSR abroad. In addition, the Tractor Committee coordinated related work with the organization of construction and testing of domestic tractors produced by the Kharkiv Locomotive Plant and the “Red Progress” Plant.
It can be concluded that in general, the activities of the All-Ukrainian Tractor Committee had a positive impact on the tractorization of agriculture in the USSR and increase its productivity. Nevertheless, in 1929, on the eve of the mass collectivization of agriculture, it ceased operations.
The method of source analysis is applied in the article. The source base of the study was special and periodicals of the Soviet period, as well as scientific works of other historians, modern Internet resources and more.
Keywords |
Tractor Committee, tractorization, tractor construction, tractors, Fordzon, Narkomzem, agriculture, peasantry, press
References |
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