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07 |
The discipline «History of agricultural science» in the context of globalization research of scientists-historians
full article |
Kovalenko N.
Pages: |
115–134 |
Summary |
The article reveals the formation of modern teaching of the discipline «History of Agricultural Science» for historians in the context of globalization of the world scientific space. It is established that the integration of Ukraine into the European scientific and educational space requires a thorough reform of the domestic higher school, the transition to fundamentally new forms of teaching agricultural disciplines. Therefore, it is important to develop work programs for industry disciplines based on the humanization and humanization of the educational process.
It is determined that the main tasks of studying the discipline «History of Agricultural Science» is to reveal the patterns of development of agricultural science from ancient times to the present, to determine the stages of its formation and development and to provide defining features to each of them. It is important to establish the place of agricultural science in public life and determine its role in the historical progress of human civilization, to clarify the organic relationship of natural, technical and socio-humanitarian sciences to understand the integrity of science as a socio-cultural phenomenon. It is of great importance to inform historians of understanding the specifics of intellectual scientific activity, to clarify the role of the scientist's personality in scientific, educational and scientific and technological progress of mankind. The value of formation in scientists-historians of skills of independent analysis of historical sources and scientific literature, skills of independent tracking of laws of accumulation of agricultural knowledge, formation of branch scientific thought, development of agrarian science in Western Europe, America, Ukraine, assistance of application of acquired knowledge in daily activity is clarified. primarily in research work. It is important to provide historians with knowledge about the development of branch theoretical and methodological views of leading scientists, branch schools and centers from antiquity to the beginning of the XXI century. Of great importance is the definition of agricultural research and their source base.
The focus is on a set of lectures and practical (seminar) classes with an indicative list of control tasks and guidelines for their preparation, topics for essays for independent work of scholars, historians, test questions and recommended literature. It is determined that the system of assessment of knowledge of scientists-historians takes into account all forms of their work on the study of the discipline «History of Agricultural Science» and the level of knowledge obtained by them. The main forms of its study are lectures, seminars, consultations, independent work of historians on sources and educational literature, preparation and speeches with thematic reports and reports (abstracts), control interviews, writing tests, participation in scientific conferences, compilation offset. The main forms of control of knowledge of historians in the study of the discipline «History of Agricultural Science» are: assessments in seminars, for written tests, thematic reports and essays, as well as tests.
It was found that the knowledge acquired by historians will have a positive effect on the education of highly qualified specialists, their formation as spiritually rich individuals. They will contribute to a better understanding of the nature of intellectual activity, overcoming narrow-minded thinking for the globalization of field research.
Keywords |
formation, historical researches, educational process, educational discipline, history of agricultural sciences, globalization, scientists-historians
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