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05 Professor O.O. Brauner (1857–1941) – founder of the theoretical foundations of animal science, organizer of experimental work in livestock of Ukraine full article
Borodai І. S.
Pages: 77–91

The purpose of the research is to highlight the life and scientific path of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor O.O. Brauner, his contribution to the organization of research and breeding case in animal husbandry in Ukraine, the spread of higher zootechnical education. The research methodology has based on the use of methods of historical & scientific analysis, systematization, as well as the biographical method. The source base of the research covers a wide range of published and unpublished papers; its basis is archival materials and scientific works by O.O. Brauner. The scientific novelty of the publication is in the substantiation of the scientist's contribution to the formation of zoological zootechnics in the system of branch scientific knowledge. The author first studied the influence of scientific ideas of the Russian scientific school of zoologists-evolutionists, founded by Professor K.F. Roulier, on the formation of scientific priorities of Professor O.O. Brauner. The priority of the scientist in systematization of conditions of breed creation process and classification of cattle, formulation of a hypothesis of domestication of animals near the ancient centers of origin of a civilization has proved. Scientific works by O.O. Brauner contributed to the further development of the doctrine of the origin and acclimatization of farm animals, the preservation and rational use of the gene pool of breeds. The contribution of the researcher to the formation of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hybridization and Acclimatization of Animals, the development of the main provisions of the state breeding books of cattle has highlighted, his role in promoting the achievements of domestic zootechnics has shown.

zoological zootechnics, animal husbandry, research work, zootechnical education, breeding case, acclimatization, origin of animals, О.О. Brauner
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