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Historical study of local lore in the Ternopil region in the mid 40s XX century - at the beginning of the twentieth century: source analysis
full article |
Senkіvska G.
Pages: |
34–48 |
Summary |
The article deals with the analysis of the source base of the features of historical and regional studies movement in Ternopil region during 1940s. – beginning of the 21st c. The author emphasizes the importance of documents and materials divided into two groups depending on the origin and informative content.
The important element of the source base were the documents of the funds of the Central. State historic archive of Ukraine in Kyiv, the state archives of Ternopil and Volyn’ regions which clarified the general picture of the regional studies in all its forms and direction. The resolution of state bodies of the regional level, the minutes of meetings of the collegial bodies, the instructions and methodical letters of the cultural and educational institutions and public organizations allowed to reproduce the general panorama of their activity in the branch of the regional studies. Thanks to the analysis of the archive documents and materials and to the regional and district newspapers and guides the author made the comprehensive analysis of the development of the regional studies in the region. The level of the state bodies’ influence in the renovation of the state cultural and educational institutions and the development of historical and regional studies research in Ternopil region is revealed. The private funds of the researchers of the history of our land complement the research and local lore heritage of the individual participants of the regional studies movements in Ternopil region. The value of all the documents is that they preserve the specifically historical facts and the datas about many events from the history of our Ternopil region.
Keywords |
sources, block, fund materials, state archive
References |
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