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02 |
The economic effect of U.S. isolationism policy in Europe's humanitarian processes in the 1920s
full article |
Pohromsky V.
Pages: |
15–33 |
Summary |
US withdrawal from isolationist policies required new approaches in its foreign relations strategy. As a result, American humanitarianism, as an instrument of US foreign policy in Eastern Europe after the First World War, became the means that allowed the introduction of US political and economic doctrine. The instruments of the American humanitarianism themselves are the American Humanitarian Organizations (AHOs), which have implemented the practical component of humanitarian-economic, technological, medical, logistical, administrative assistance, and so on from the United States of America. The American elite had a new vision of relations with European countries. US President W. Wilson and his administration have relied on humanitarian campaigns in countries affected by World War I, especially in the Eastern European region. A rather significant geopolitical challenge was the coming of the Bolsheviks to power in Russia and the spread of revolutionary movements. The collapse of the European empires, the emergence of a political map of the newly independent countries caused a severe political and economic crisis, and a significant number of European countries were faced with the threat of famine. In pursuing its goals of strengthening its influence in Europe, the United States has succeeded in a broad humanitarian campaign. Humanitarian assistance was provided by such American organizations as ARA, Joint, American Red Cross, and others. It is American humanitarianism that has become a new instrument of US foreign policy and a major lever for the promotion of American policy in Europe.
Keywords |
isolationism, humanitarianism, Eastern Europe, Woodrow Wilson, humanitarian aid, American Relief Administration, Joint, American Red Cross, American Humanitarian Organizations (AHO)
References |
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