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The role of railway transport for the development of the economy of the Russian Empire (1905-1916) in the works of Academician M.P. Petrova
full article |
Ianin V.
Pages: |
264-275 |
Summary |
The article is dedicated to the contribution of the academician M.P. Petrov in the explanation of the role of the railway transport in the development of the Russian empire economy in 1905 – 1916. It was found that this issue was among the main ones in the scientific work of M.P. Petrov. It was shown that in the end of XIXth century this issue was the reason for the discussions and due to M.P. Petrov, D.I. Mendeleev and other native engineers it was finally solved. The problematic situation with the economy in Russia due to its loss in war with Japan in 1904 -1905, and fast development of the railway network, made the thoughts of critics about the role of railways in the economy of the country quite arguable and controversial. Moreover, in the economical science of that period of time such thing as economic analysis of the railway activities was absent. As the matter of fact, the ways of the evaluation of railways` impact on the work productivity in general across the country were not found. In addition, the principals of that influence were not determined. That is why in the beginning of the XXth century the financial situation of the railways that became worse was observed as simple calculation of the difference in incomes and outcomes of the industry instead of observing it from the prospective of the overall country interests. It was the reason why the article of M.P. Petrov “Are our railways such bad as professor Migulin thinks?” (1905) was his first economical report that was focused on determining of the influence of increasing the volume of railway shipping on the development of the overall industrial and economic situation in country.
Keywords |
M.P. Petrov, railway transport, economy of the railway transport, science, technics
References |
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