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13 |
Significance of academician Votchal E.P. (1864-1937) research in Ukrainian Academy Of Sciences – All-Ukrainian Academy Of Sciences - Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR
full article |
Soldatova H.
Pages: |
216-230 |
Summary |
The development of plant physiology in the Ukraine is inextricably linked with the activity of Yevgen P. Votchal (1864-1937), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine. An outstanding phytophysiologist, an original scientist, he developed new scientific fields. Votchal’s main scientific works are devoted to the water mechanism in plants, tree physiology, electrophysiology, solution of many important agricultural problems, development of terpentine industry and forestry.
The article deals with the research envelope of Votchal E.P. (1864-1937), prominent plant biologist and physiologist, academician in the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences – All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences - Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Votchal’s role in the establishment of the Academy, in the creation of its scientific-research institutions, and in the development of new scientific-research envelopes is determined. Votchal’s contribution to the formation of scientific-research institutions in the Ukrainian SSR is specified.
E.P. Votchal’s role in the work of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of the Ukraine is determined. The main focuses of the work of the Department of Biology of Crops and Forest Plants of the Аll-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences are covered. Academician E.P. Votchal’s contribution to the activity of Plant Biology Institute in the Аll-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences is noted.
The key role played by Votchal E.P. in the organization of turpentine-tapping production, and in the foundation of new scientific fields – ecological plant physiology and field plant physiology is emphasized. The main directions of E.P. Votchal’s scientific activity in the scope of ecological phytophysiology studying (water moving mechanisms in plants, drought-stability of agricultural crop, ecological and physiological research of photosynthesis, peculiarities of field plant physiology) are outlined.
Despite the fact that scientific and organizational activities of Academician Yevhen P. Votchal and his scientific school made a significant contribution to the development of various fields of botanical science, agriculture and industry of the Ukraine, he belongs to the number of scientists whose creative heritage has not received a sufficient study and coverage in literature yet.
Keywords |
fhytophysiology; Department of Biology of Crops and Forest Plants; xerophytism; turpentine production; variety testing and selection
References |
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