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Scientific and organizational activity of professor L.I. Rubtsov in 1946-1947
full article |
Rubtsova O., Klymenko S., Pokhylchenko O., Chuvikina N., Breiak O., Horb V., Dovhaliuk N.
Pages: |
199-215 |
Summary |
Goal. To study the first work in Ukraine in the field of landscape construction of the outstanding landscape architect, Doctor of Biological Sciences Leonid Rubtsov Rubtsov in Mezhyhirya in 1946-1947.
Methods. Historical-scientific, problem-chronological.
Mezhyhirya, located in the suburbs of Kyiv, was a closed territory from the 30s of the XX century until 2014. The best specialists used to be invited to build and equip government summer houses there. A prominent dendrologist and a landscape architect, a park scientist L.I. Rubtsov was among them.
We conveyed the analysis of literary and Internet resources, archival materials, photographs, as well as a full-scale survey of plantations of the territory of the former summer house of M.S. Khrushchev on the place of the destroyed monastery in Mezhyhirya.
A number of rare plants, as well as 10 varieties of lilac, have been found on the territory of Mezhyhirya. These and many other varieties of lilac were used in the 1950s by L.I. Rubtsov when creating the famous lilac garden in the Botanical Garden in Kyiv.
In 1946 a staff of the Botanical Garden in Kyiv with the guidance of M.S. Khrushchev purchased a considerable amount of planting material in Germany. Those plants were planted in the seedbeds of the Botanical Gardens, and later became the basis for the creation of now well-known expositions and sites: arboretum with the famous lilac garden, rose garden, azalea collection and many others.
The analysis of Mezhyhirya plantations gave grounds to suggest that a certain number of plants brought by a staff of the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR from Germany in 1946 were planted in the countryside of M.S. Khrushchev (taking into account the guidance of M.S. Khrushchev in the acquisition of planting material and personal relations with M.M. Gryshko, then the director of the Botanical Garden) under the project and the direction of the landscape architect Leonid Rubtsov.
Conclusions. The plantations preserved on the territory of the former government summer houses have considerable scientific value as a dendrological collection and an example of landscape composition of the late 1940s. The findings reveal another page in the work of the renowned dendrologist and the landscape architect L.I. Rubtsov.
Keywords |
L.I. Rubtsov, Mezhyhirya, the summer house of M.S. Khrushchev, the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR, plantings, landscape architecture
References |
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