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“Kharkiv period” of scientific contribution by V. F. Nikolayev (1922–1927)
full article |
Kotsur R.
Pages: |
187-198 |
Summary |
This article deals with the analysis of the biography of V.F. Nikolayev – a famous breeder, ecologist, and botanist – during his work in Kharkiv from 1922 to 1927. During that period, V.F. Nikolayev made a significant scientific contribution into breeding as a science in Ukraine. The author of this article has analyzed the influence of researchers and their scholarly works on the Nikolayev’s professional success. It is also worth mentioning that in the field of plant breeding V.F. Nikolayev was significantly influenced by the research conducted by M. M. Kulesh, the chief of Central Plant Seeds Control Station of Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic. The stages of establishing of V.F. Nikolayev as an outstanding researcher in the agricultural sciences have been also reviewed in this article in the context of the development of agriculture in Kharkiv and its region.
Keywords |
document copy, acquisition, fund, library, law, publishing, scientific publication
References |
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