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Scientific and organizational activities of Apollon Mevius in the field of metallurgy (to the 200th anniversary of his birth)
full article |
Zhurilo D.
Pages: |
168-186 |
Summary |
This article describes the life history and professional achievements of Apollon Fedorovich Mevius, an outstanding metallurgist and a laureate of the Demidov Prize. Mr. Mevius’ origin and education as well as his service for the Mining Administration of the Russian Empire are depicted.
It is described how Mr. Mevius as a head of the Lugansk mountain region promoted the development of the national mining industry, rise of the Kerch metallurgy, geological surveys and construction of the smelting plants.
The reasons why a prominent scholar and a former head of Lugansk mountain district has not been appointed to a metallurgy professorship in Saint Petersburg are explained. The details on Mr. Mevius’ work at the Congress of South Russia Mine Operators, the methods and practices of statistical processing, elaborated and laid in the foundation for the activities of the organized Kharkov Committee for the Mineral Fuels Transportation are provided.
Mr. Mevius’ main printed works where he predicted the construction of a number of smelting plants are considered.
The article also shows the results of Mr. Mevius’ work in 1887-1895 as a lecturer of metallurgy in the Kharkov Practical Technological Institute, his achievements in this assignment and the reasons why he left teaching.
Despite the fact that Apollon Fedorovich Mevius left a mark in the science and technology history as an outstanding scientist who championed the technological advances of his country, his name in Kharkov is not memorized by a monument, a street name nor even plaques on the buildings he worked or lived in.
Thus Apollon Mevius was one of the most accomplished mining engineers of his time, a teacher and a scientist who enriched the domestic technical books with landmark works on foundry engineering and metallurgy of ferrous metals. The works of Mr. Mevius have not lost their actuality today.
Keywords |
Mevius, metallurgy, mining, cast iron, teaching, mineral fuels
References |
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