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Technological means for the extraction and processing of wax in the exposition of the Museum of the history of beekeeping in the Middle Dnieper region of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav"
full article |
Demyanenko N.
Pages: |
158-167 |
Summary |
The article describes the beekeeping equipment of individual and factory production for extraction and processing of pure wax of the collection of the Museum of Beekeeping of the Middle Dnipro region of National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereiaslav»: press, screw press, apparatus for producing wax, smooth and engraving rolls. The processes of extraction of pure wax from bee honeycombs at home are shown. Features of use and technical possibilities of working of smooth and engraving rolls of factory production are described. The value of this collection of beekeeping equipment for the extraction and processing of wax is determined by the fact that it shows typical devices of home and factory production of the end of the XIX - the middle of the XX centuries. They reveal the technology of the process of extraction and processing of wax.
Keywords |
museum collection, beekeeping equipment, wax, press, screw press, apparatus for producing wax, honeycomb, chock, product of beekeeping, smooth rolls, engraving rolls
References |
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