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O.M. Tsinkalovsky scientific legacy (1898–1983) in the context of the Volinians development
full article |
Rushai E.
Pages: |
72-85 |
Summary |
In the article, based on unexplored documents from the personal fund of Alexander Tsinkalovsky (1898-1983), stored in the Lviv National Library named after Stefanik, the scientific achievements of the scientist are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the to the analysis of his letters to the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR concerning the publication of the main work of O.Tsinkalovsky`s entire life - the historical and geographical dictionary "Old Volyn and Volyn Polissya".
In this work he compiled information on 1400 settlements and historically important sites of Volyn and Volyn Polissya from ancient times to 1914. The reasons of refusing to publish this study in Soviet Ukraine remain debatable.
We state O.Tsinkalovsky`s interest primarily in research in local lore and archeology, although his field of study is not limited to these disciplines. The researcher is the author of numerous works (eg."Prince`s Town Vladimir", "Volyn Wooden Churches (XVII-XVIII centuries),"Materials to the archeology of Vladimir district", etc.), dedicated to the history of their native land, including Volyn, Polissya and Pidlyashya.
The relevance of chosen topic is determined by the lack of a thorough work on the creative heritage of O.Tsinkalovsky, because the large-scale work of the scientist in Ukraine was only discussed at the beginning of the 21 century. The researcher of the scientific works of A.M.Tsinkalovsky will allow to define his place and role in the study of history, archeology and restoration of historical monuments of Volyn region. Alexander Tsinkalovsky is an outstanding world-class scientist who has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the "Volhyniana" and the popularization of local studies. Therefore, his scientific heritage in the fields of ethnology, ethnography, museums and special historical disciplines requires further thorough study.
Keywords |
Alexander Tsinkalovky, local history, local history studies, archeology, scientific research, "Volhyniana", Old Volyn and Volyn Polissya"
References |
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