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Modernization of agricultural production in the USSR and its results in the BSSR (1953–1964)
full article |
Smyakhovich M.
Pages: |
33-54 |
Summary |
Social contradictions were objective prerequisites, undermining the foundations of workers' power, Soviet statehood, inhibiting the economic development of the existing socio-political system, caused the emergence and growth of its general crisis. The agrarian policy of the Soviet state is a reflection of the fundamental contradiction inherent in the Soviet system of living arrangements, the contradiction between the interests of workers and the interests of peasants. One of the directions of the agrarian policy for resolving social contradictions was the modernization of agricultural production, undertaken in September 1953. The implementation of government initiatives aimed at accelerating the development of the agricultural industry in Belarus has yielded positive results.
Keywords |
USSR, BSSR, agrarian policy, exploitation of the labor of the peasantry, modernization of agriculture, restructuring of the administrative system, results of modernization
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