 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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History of the Poltava State Agricultural Research Station named after M.I.Vavilov of Institute of Pig Breeding and Agro-Industrial Production of NAAS to 135th anniversary
full article |
Tatarchuk L.
Pages: |
222–237 |
Summary |
In the article, the history of the formation and development of Poltava research field - first permanent sectoral institution, scientific directions of its activities which began its lineage on November 10 (n.s.) in 1884, having reorganized in 1910 into the Poltava Agricultural Research Station (now Vavilov's Poltava State Agricultural Research Station of the Institute of Pig Breeding and Agro-Industrial Production of NAAS) was analyzed using the general scientific, interdisciplinary, scientific knowledge, problem-chronological, comparatively-historical, retrospective, periodization methods, historiographic analysis.
The role of the institution in the development of the agricultural research work - an integral part of the agronomy culture, which was considered like the basis of agriculture, was characterized. The results of the research work, which in the future became an example for other institutions of this type, in particular, what should be a scientific agricultural institution, how to organize and conduct scientific research, were generalized. The institution really taught everyone who wished farming skills and contributed to the effective work of local farmers. The achievements of the station, which glorified the institution in the world dimension and its achievements in the present conditions, were highlighted.
These are unique experiments "Unchangeable rye", conducted since 1884 and "Celery" since 1893, proved the priority of the results of field experiment over laboratory or vegetative in making final conclusions for introduction into agricultural production, etc. There is every reason to say that for a long time the Poltava Agricultural Research Station has comprehensively and systematically researched the directions of the organization of agricultural research work, and its future was determined by specialists who combined scientific research with practical measures to increase the value of agrarian science. Today's achievements of the scientific institution which continue to expand and improve were also represented.
Keywords |
Poltava, field, station, organization, agronomy, agriculture, scientific research, agricultural research institution, grain crops, methods, experiments
References |
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