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Near sources of «neolamarkism»: the prominent American paleozoolog Edward Drinker Cop (1840–1897)
full article |
Pylypchuk О.
Pages: |
210–221 |
Summary |
Edward Drinker Cope; July 28, 1840 – April 12, 1897) – North American naturalist, paleontologist (paleozoologist) and comparative anatomist, member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States and other American and European academies. He received the Biggsby Gold Medal from the London Geological Society (1879) for his contribution to the study of vertebrate paleontology. From 1865 to 1867 Professor at Haverford College in Philadelphia, and later Professor of Geology and Paleontology at the University of Pennsylvania; conducted research in Kansas, Wyoming, New Mexico, and made several expeditions to the western states. The result of these works was the creation of a collection of more than 1,000 fossil vertebrates, As the result, Cop had introduced science at least of new 600 species. He discovered 56 species of dinosaurs, including Amphicoelias, Camarasaurus and Coelophysis. Many of these animals were described in reports by scientific societies in Philadelphia, and in reports from the US Geological Survey and in other publications. Cop also investigated fossil fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals from different parts of the world and made observations on the anatomy of these animals in connection with his paleontological studies, that led him to a new perspective on their systematization. Since 1869 he had published a number of articles about evolution, later it was merged under one common heading "The Origin of the Fittest". Cop was one of the founders of neolamarkism in American paleontology. Edward Cope discovered several evolutionary laws known as the "laws of Cope." He was one of the senior editors of «American Naturalist». The period of Edward Cop's rivalry with another well-known paleontologist, Charles Marsh, in the American Paleontological Society known as the "Bone Wars". Both scientists competed in finding the most sensational dinosaur remains.
Keywords |
paleontology, paleozoology, evolution, comparative anatomy, dinosaurs
References |
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