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Ferapont Petrovych Saienko (1891–1923) - the first head of the Agricultural School in Borzna
full article |
Ivanchenko L.
Pages: |
168–190 |
Summary |
In the late nineteenth century, a series of government regulations were introduced in the Russian Empire to develop agriculture. These include the Regulations for lower agricultural schools that were allowed to be established in each region. Scientists, experts have been involved in the dissemination of agronomic knowledge among the population. The first head of the Borsen Lower School of Horticulture, Horticulture and Beekeeping of the 2nd category, Ferapont Petrovich Sayenko (1861–1923) made a significant contribution to these cases. This article provides an overview of the first five years of school activity.
The organization and opening of a horticultural school in the city was taken care of by members of the Borsen Zemsky County Administration, members of the Chernihiv Provincial Zemstvo Meeting, landowners, and public figures. These included Nikolai Kotlyarevsky (unknown), Olympius Belozersky (1831–1904), Hryhoriy Vovk-Karachevsky (1832–1914), the Kochubey family, the artist Ge, Kulishov, Kostecki and other landowners and progressive figures of the time.
Ferapont Petrovich was born in the village of Kinashivka, near Borzna. His father was the manager of the estate of Michael Kochubey (1863–1935). So F. Sayenko from his childhood was involved in agrarian affairs. In 1870 he graduated from the Korostyshiv Pedagogical Seminary. He taught in the surrounding villages. In 1898, at a meeting of the district council, Sayenko was congratulated on the 18th anniversary of his teaching activities. At the same time, he was appointed manager of the school. The school was opened in October 1898 in the estate, which was bought by the county council.
At that time Ferapont Petrovich was living in the village of Kinashivka. He was married to Motrona Illyvna Fedyurko (1861–1938). The family raised five children – Margarita (1889), Nicholas (1891), Mary (1894), Peter (1897), Alexander (1899). Support, mutual help, camaraderie created the aura that prevailed in the family environment of the Saenk, in the circle of their friends. It was a union of like-minded people who formed aesthetically-moral foundations, promoted humanity through actions, distinguished by successive progressive views.
Ganna Barvinok remembers the difficult business of founfing a school in 1903. She was delighted to have found Ferapont Petrovich who, through hard work in five years, has turned abandoned land into a flowering garden. The case was not easy. Pupils and teachers worked together in the garden. The land was hand-treated with primitive tools. The grounds of the school were in several areas. F. Sayenko skillfully used every shred of land by purpose.
In the fall of 1901 Ferapont Petrovich and his teachers and students established a new garden. Planting material was discharged from the well-known assistant Ivan Ivanovich Karazin (1834–1903). These were cherries, plums of different varieties.
In the spring of 1902, a new nursery was built in two 1835 square plots. 3-year-old apple trees prevailed there.
In 1903, the school's multifaceted orchard covered an area of 3 tenths of 756 square fathoms. In the old garden, there were apples and pears – trees that were 40–60 years old. There were 85 trees in the young garden, between 10 and 12 years old, occupying an area of 1937 square fathoms. The most popular were Bergamot pears – their fruits were stored until the spring – were recorded in the diaries of the manager. The school had a park nursery. Over the river were planted 15 species of vines for weeding.
FP Sayenko rejoiced – it brought him pleasure: «The variety of gardens in the farm gives the opportunity to perform very different work on tree care, promotes the acquisition of different skills in the pupils of the school». Intermediate crops in the old garden were vegetables, honey plants. This provided an opportunity to expand the range of production products. A number of new outbuildings were erected. There are fruit and vegetable dryers installed. Numerous devices for the purification of fruits and vegetables were purchased; American machines for cleaning and knocking out cores, stuffing tools for grinding and cutting material, pruners of plums and cherries. In order to experiment, the school produced fruit wine in small quantities.
Borzna Agricultural School was gaining popularity. People wanted to work there. Students were invited to practice for pay (or pay). The students also provided counseling to the population in the area. This contributed to the dissemination of agronomic knowledge among the population. This conclusion was reached after the analysis of archival documents, namely: correspondence with organizations and individuals; postal receipts for the purchase or shipment of seedlings, seeds, agricultural implements, etc. The archive contains documents about the distinction – participation in exhibitions and quality goods. Much of the information is taken from the reporting documents.
The Borznia Gardening School is 120 years old and is now the Borzyan State Agricultural College.
Keywords |
Sayenko FP, Kochubei, Kinashivka, Borzna, Dubrovsky PM, agricultural school, Borznyan state agricultural college
References |
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