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Formation of chemical research in Kharkov Practical Technological Institute (Kharkov Technological Institute of Emperor Alexander III) at the end of 19th – beginning of 20th century
full article |
Gutnyk М., Tkachenko S.
Pages: |
157–167 |
Summary |
The development of chemical research at the Kharkov Institute of Technology is considered. The number of first year students at the moment of opening of the institution is presented.
It is shown that the directions of specialization of future chemical engineers were similar to introduced at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, but the local features of the South of the Russian Empire were took into account. It is emphasize on kinds of industries that were developed at the end of the 19th century.
Information about the construction of a building for chemical research is presented. There were a large number of machines and apparatus in chemical technology that allowed not only to observe the technological process, but also to carry out various studies. It is shown that each chemical department was patronized relevant chemical workshop in this building.
The training load at the chemical department of KhPTI is analyzed. In particular, in the upper courses, the central place in teaching was occupied by applied subjects and engineering design.
It is reported that training in specific areas of chemical technology has begun after the completion of compulsory subjects. The undergraduate students studied two special subjects that they selected from the proposed list: ceramics, glass, building materials; chemical technology of minerals; carbohydrate technology, pyrogenic technology and protein technology, fermentation technology, fat technology, and chemical fiber technology and metallurgy.
The teaching staff of the chemical engineering departments is shown. The activity of M. Beketov, O. Lidov, G. Gulinov, V. Kuznetsov is considered. At the same time, the young scientists’ internships in chemical laboratories not only in leading institutions of the Russian Empire, but also in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Italy are analyzed. It is stated that together with the internship for the preparation for the professor rank, the leading professors of the institute were abroad with scientific purposes during the vacations. The knowledge gained from such business trips was introduced into the educational process.
It is stated that during the first years of Kharkiv practical technological institute functioning there was a strong influence of the European scientific school achievements in the field of chemistry and chemical technology.
Keywords |
Kharkov Practical Technological Institute, chemistry and chemical technology, teachers, scientific internships
References |
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