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Technical support of the system of organization of timber rafting through the thresholds of the Dnieper (19th – the middle of 20th century)
full article |
Horbovyi О.
Pages: |
133–145 |
Summary |
The article describes the organization of forest rafting rafts across the Dnieper rapids. They were a big problem for river commerce. The researchers numbered 9 rapids: the Staro-Kaidatskyi rapid, the Surskyi rapid, the Lokhanskyi rapid, the Zvonetskyi rapid, the Nenasytetskyi rapid, the Vovnyzkyi rapid, the Budylovskyi rapid, the Lyshnii rapid and the Vilnyi rapid. The largest of these was the Nenasytets. There were 2 fairways through them. Pilots have long used a natural waterway under the left bank. From 1832 to 1842, goods from thirty days (1–30 May) to ninety-four days (30 March –2 July) were rafted through it. In 1854, engineers built an artificial canal under the right bank. He extended the timber rafting for about 1,5 months.
In the XIX – early XX century forest materials were the main goods transported by the water system of the Dnipro. They were transported to their destination on ships or rafts. Trees were cut down on the upper Dnipro in the autumn. In the winter, they were transported to wharfs, which were about a month away from the rapids. In the spring, workers cut logs into rafts (about twenty days) and transported them to the rapids (about thirty days). There were about five raft riders on one raft. In addition, three to eight workers and a local pilot were hired on the rapids for each raft.
In the early XX century about one thousand two hundred rafts were floated in the Dnipro, in the middle of the XX century – about two thousand one hundred rafts, at the end of the XX century – about two thousand five hundred – three thousand five hundred rafts. Of these, in the last quarter of the XIX century from rapids were floated about two hundred to nearly a one thousand rafts. Their value in the first half of the 1880s was about 2–2.5 million rubles.
From 1832–1842, four thousand nine hundred thirty nine rafts were floated through the rapids. Of these, three hundred ten rafts (≈6%) did not have time to go down the rapids and remained on the winter. Another one hundred seven rafts (≈2%) crashed.
Keywords |
Dnipro, raft, forest, rapids, river pilot, fairways, timber rafting, goods
References |
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