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Scientific-organizational activities of Academician of NAS of Ukraine S.M.Koniukhov in the field of rocket space science and technique of Ukraine: historiography of the problem
full article |
Voitiuk О.
Pages: |
108–132 |
Summary |
It is a well-known fact that the economic strength and defense capabilities of our country as the key factors of its national safety is heavily based on the level of development of fundamental scientific and technical knowledge. It intensifies the need for studying the historical experience and accomplishments of Ukrainian scientists, which is important for recognition of Ukraine in the global scientific and technological sector.
The article is devoted to the review of the historiography of life, scientific-design and organizational activity of a prominent scientist of S. Koniukhov.
Stanislav Koniukhov (12.04.1937 03.04.2011) was a well-known scientist-designer, Hero of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, General Designer - General Director of Yuzhnoye State Design Office (1991 2010), a leading specialist in the rocket and space industry.
It would be unfair not to mention that fact that with the direct participation of S. Koniukhov as a result of solving many complex problems in the creation of rocket technology, many inventions were made, which became the classic of domestic and world rocketry. Besides, under the guidance and with the direct participation of a scientist, a considerable amount of fundamental and applied research in the space and rocket industry has been accomplished.
This article provides the characteristic of historiography and source base of the problem of research is presented. The article reflects the analysis and systematization of historical research that contains direct or indirect information about S. Koniukhov in the period of our study. The real level of development of the investigated problems is revealed.
It is clear from these observations that in the historiography of Ukraine the scientist is researched in the context of the development of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine. Perhaps we should also point out the fact that the real number of scientific works of the scientist has not yet been established. Also, insufficiently considered contribution S. Koniukhov in guaranteeing the national security of Ukraine
In conclusion, I can say that the complex research of scientific work S. Koniukhov and his contribution to the scientific support for the development of space rocket technology is absent.
Keywords |
historiography of the problem; history of rocket and space technology; S. Koniukhov; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Yuzhnoye SDO, Ukraine
References |
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