Road construction is one of the most important directions for the development of European statehood at the present stage. The construction of roads in Pereyaslav region is a gradual and constantly improved process of socio-cultural and economic development of the region.
In the article, on the basis of minutes of meetings of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky District Council of People's Deputies (1943–1950), the condition and construction of land roads of Pereyaslav region is explored, the experience of engineering and construction activity of past generations is topical and constantly requires improvement and use of modern scientific-technical means, technologies. The research analyzes the effectiveness of the solution of state institutions, collective farms and state farms of Pereyaslav region, the main problems of maintenance of communication routes, construction and repair of bridges, dams and more.
The topicality of the study is due to the fact that the network of roads of Pereyaslav region, construction and maintenance of road structures of the region were not within the scientific interests of the researchers. Thus, the construction and maintenance of the roads in the Pereyaslav region in the 1943–1950s, the analysis of archival sources and materials, will help to understand and analyze the problems related to the construction and repair of the roadbed, the development of road business.
The purpose of the article is to study comprehensively the history of construction and use of the Pereyaslav Region interconnections, to determine the role of roads in the economic development of the region, to analyze the effectiveness of the solution of problems associated with construction and maintenance by state bodies, collective and state farms, road construction organizations. For decades, road duty has been one of the most difficult and compulsory duties of the rural population. However, the rural population, without the use of the latest technologies and tools, could not maintain roads in good condition.
It was established that the general condition of the land routes of Pereyaslavschina in 1943-1950, the economic level of development of the region, and natural and geographical factors influenced traditional transport. The roads were difficult to drive. Track sections were divided between communities. The peasants were supposed to deliver building materials and repair road facilities. By joint efforts of interested parties, the pace of development of the horse-drawn and highway network in the second half of the 20th century significantly increased. Particular attention was paid to roads before spring field work and harvesting.
However, insignificant funds allocated from the budget for maintenance and repair of tracks, not equipped track crews, insufficient landscaping of roads, lack of local stone quarries for paving roads, insufficient number of artificial structures negatively influenced the construction of roads of both local and regional significance. Separate lines of communication, for example, a section of the Boryspil-Pereyaslav route, were built by the method of public construction, and not at the expense of the relevant authorities. At the same time, in February 1950, construction work on the access road to the route of the Kiev-Kharkov region was included in the regional road construction plan as a priority.