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4 Formation of the painted Easter egg collection of National Historic and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav" full article
Tkachenko V.
Pages: 66–81

The article explores and highlights the collection of Easter eggs National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereyaslav». Among her works there are works of well-known masters Z. Stashuk, T. Kitorova, S. Vlenenko and others.

In particular, the author explores its ornamental features, is classified by years of income and production technologies.

The methodological basis for the development of the topic are the principles of historicity and systematic nature, which determine the study and synthesis of information on the basis of scientific and critical analysis of sources and literature.

The museum holds a special place among other cultural institutions. It not only collects, studies, carries out cultural and educational activities, but is first and foremost an institution that stores objects of material, artistic and spiritual culture of the people.

Research of the stock collections of museums, reserves in particular, and funds of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereyaslav» – an integral part of the Museum Fund of Ukraine - is one of the priority areas for the development of museum studies as a separate branch of historical science.

All the materials of the stock collection of the NHER «Pereyaslav» have been collected for decades. The most actively expeditionary search was carried out in the 60-80's of the XX century. Researchers have made thousands of expeditions to different ethnographic regions of Ukraine: to Slobozhanshchyna and Polesie, Poltava and Middle Dnieper, and even for separate exhibits in Bukovina and Galicia. All this made it possible to show the diversity of Ukrainian folk culture.

In the Pereyaslav National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve the collection of Easter eggs is small. Today it has 187 storage units. These are Easter eggs made with different technological methods, such as: wax painting, painted with eggs, scratches, acid etching, and colorful eggs are also presented. That is, we have a diverse collection of Easter eggs. Much of this collection is on display at the Museum of Ukrainian Rituals, complementing the Easter exhibis. Some of the storage units are in other museum exhibits.

The first receipts were the wooden hand-painted Easter eggs purchased in the western region.

The collection of the Reserve contains quite rare items.

Among the museum items there is a collection of Easter eggs from Kosmach, which was transferred to Kyiv by V. Kovalenko, a resident of Kyiv, in 2008. The collection was purchased from Maria Vartzabyuk, a pysanka painter.

A collection of Easter eggs, formed in the late XX – early XXI centuries though is insignificant but of some interest. Among the items we have Easter eggs, made by various techniques and well-known easter eggs. Predominant in the collection are Easter eggs painted with traditional wax technique.

collection, pysanka, motives, art, exhibitions, NHER Pereyaslav
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