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The newspaper "Komsomolskoe Znamya" as a source for the representation of Afghan issues in 1980-1991
full article |
Ostrovyk D.
Pages: |
43–65 |
Summary |
The purpose of the article is to differentiate chronologically and thematically the aspects that were covered by the Afghans during 1980-1991, based on the study of newspaper's "Komsomolskoye Znamya" publications
The article deals with the materials on the "Afghan" topic, which were printed on the front pages of the body of the Central Committee of LKSM of Ukraine - the newspaper "Komsomol Banner" during 1980-1991. Thematic directions of the materials of the publication, which represent the Afghan period of life of the soldiers, and their social conditions are presented in Ukraine during the specified period.
It was noted that the "pre-rebuilding" period of the "Afghan" theme was marked by the subordination of the political discourse of the then leadership of the Soviet Union, the ideologization of issues related to the "stay" of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, the lack of information about the real Afghan reality of its "nationality, their role in "Afghan events", in fact, their involvement in hostilities, by default. Removed aside the problems of yesterday's warriors in peaceful life.
More broadly, the "Afghan theme" is presented in further materials of the publication, which is related to its opening in the conditions of the political development of the country at that time. Topics covered the role of Afghans in social and political life, the commemoration of the dead and the missing persons, the problems of the "Afghan" centers and the youngest veterans in the realities of Soviet reality. An important component of presenting the topic was the presentation of citizens' correspondence regarding the perceptions of the "Afghan war", the Soviet soldiers and the reflections of the participants in the fighting in Afghanistan.
It is necessary to analyze the materials of the other printed bodies of the Central Committee of LKSM of Ukraine and the Communist Party's publications on Afghan soldiers with the aim of comparing thematic directions, ideological line about them, initiatives of state support of veterans and families of fallen soldiers and its implementation on the ground, Ukraine over "internationalist warriors" and families who lost sons, parents, husbands in Afghanistan, identifying possible differences, and more.
Keywords |
Ukraine, Afghan warriors, Komsomol banner, reserve warrior councils, internationalist warrior clubs, socium, adaptation
References |
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