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Activities of the Kaniv State Museum-Reserve «Grave of T.G. Shevchenko» in the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in 1951–1963
full article |
Verbitska О.
Pages: |
1-32 |
Summary |
The article presents the analysis of the documentary complex deposited in the archive of the Shevchenko National Reserve in order to study the history of the institution in the field of development and popularization of T. Shevchenko’s life and work in the period of departmental subordination of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.
For more complete coverage of the activity of the reserve the documents of the archive of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, fund 251 – Inventory of the Secretariat (Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR), Inventory of the Department of History, Philosophy and Law of the NAS of Ukraine (scientific and organizational documents), Inventory of the Department of Scientific Personnel and Graduate Studies (checklists of scientific staff of the Academy of Sciences).
Information is provided on: research topics that were developed during the indicated period, the leading of which were biographical studies, the history of the grave of T. Shevchenko and the collection of information on the Shevchenko name in the Ukraine and on the territory of the USSR; publications and of the guidebooks; scientific and anniversary events that took place in the reserve. Are systematically described аspects of the reserve’s activities in the field of excursion, lecture, work on the museum fund, the development of exposure plans; improvement of improvement; the increase in the number of visitors to the reserve during the indicated period, in particular by foreign delegations, and the growth of excursion services.
Changes in the volume of the reserve’s activity in each direction at the beginning of its activity as part of the Academy of Sciences and in the last year are analyzed. The contribution to the development of the museum of leadership and outstanding scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR was noted. A detailed study of archival documents has led to the conclusion about the rapid development of the museum Shevchenkо’s studies
Keywords |
NAS of Ukraine, Shevchenko National Reserve, scientific and organizational documentation, sources on the history of Shevchenko studies, the museum studies of T. Shevchenko
References |
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