 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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History of the scientific and bibliographical activity of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the NAAS (to the 75th anniversary of the creation of the Sector of Scientific Bibliography and Biography)
full article |
Tatarchuk L., Kovalenko S.
Pages: |
238-262 |
Summary |
Using general scientific and interdisciplinary research methods, as well as methods of scientific cognition: problem-chronological, comparative-historical, retrospective, periodization method, historiographical analysis, the article describes the place of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the NAAS in the formation of the national agricultural bibliography, finds out its work and evaluated its role in the further implementation of open information and communication policy aimed at maximum satisfaction of the information and knowledge needs of the society in order to obtain a holistic picture of the bibliographic agricultural resource and providing free access to it. It is proved that the creation of the national agricultural bibliography is one of the prerogatives of the activity of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the NAAS. This direction is organically combined with other scientific researches of the institution and, on the one hand, is aimed at preserving and representing the best of the funds accumulated over the centuries, and on the other is an element of innovation introduced by the library.
It is found out that in August 1944, 75 years ago, the process of becoming of the sector of scientific bibliography and biography was started and its contribution to the creation of a national agricultural bibliography was highlighted. An analysis of the historical development of the national sectoral bibliography shows the undisputed role of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the NAAS in this process as a leading institution on agricultural problems, which in the issues of theory and practice in the territory of Ukraine implements functional tasks to improve the efficiency of informative, library and scientific support of agro-industrial production. The efforts of specialists of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the NAAS are aimed at carrying out extensive scientific and bibliographic work on the creation of scientific products as a source of the history of agrarian science of Ukraine. All printed scientific production is the basis for the creation of a source base as part of the formation of the national agricultural bibliography.
Keywords |
agricultural library, scientific bibliography, bibliographic index, series, history of branch science, scientific support, agro-industrial complex
References |
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