 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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A compulsory specimen of the editions as a basis for collecting funds of specialized libraries of the world and Ukraine
full article |
Kashtanova T.
Pages: |
223-237 |
Summary |
In the context of information and rapid development of the latest technologies of receiving, saving, processing and transferring information of the library, possessing the tools of ordering the information space, become basic social institutions, qualified and authoritative communicative intermediaries between the world documentary resource and the user. The problem of timely and complete documentation supply of library funds is of great social and economic importance, and is one of the priorities in the world of library science and library fund science.
The issue of acquisition of library funds, through the document copy editions system, is relevant today, as all library activity, as always, revolves around the library fund; it is the source of public value for libraries, which is the basis for the creation of innovative library, bibliographic and information services. A document copy for centuries has been the main type of acquisition.
That is why there is a need to show its role in the modern information space of Ukraine by high-lighting and generalizing world experience. This is the purpose of our study. Analyzing the process of state support of the DC system in many countries of the world, it is established that the publishers are responsible for the implementation of the DC laws, in the USA this responsibility relies on the authors also, and in France to the printing houses.
Unfortunately, the legislation of Ukraine, which determines the order of income to the library institutions of the document copy print, needs to be improved, in particular, to define clear deadlines for delivery of relevant documents, to provide book publishing companies with privileges in the use of postal services during their duties, to be secured in contracts with the typography responsibilities for providing the libraries with a free copy that was ordered for duplication. The NSAL example illustrates the role of document copy for the completing libraries’ funds and in providing the formation of a national information space. The dynamics of the income of the document copies to the NSAL NAAS funds is shown.
The replenishment of scientific literature is directly dependent on the level of science and book publishing and has an active influence on further scientific research, so the formation, ordering and storage of scientific publications is a significant contribution of the library to the development of agricultural science with a look into its history. The documents collected in the library will be studied not only for their informative value, but as a historical scientific heritage of generations of agricultural scientists.
Keywords |
document copy, acquisition, fund, library, law, publishing, scientific publication
References |
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