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Representation of the history of the rocket and space industry in modern museum expositions of Ukraine through the prism of intellectual space and scientific and design activities of the Academician of NAS of Ukraine S. Koniukhov (1937–2011)
full article |
Voitiuk O.
Pages: |
165-187 |
Summary |
The personalities of such prominent designers and rocket scientists who took part in the creation and development of the rocket and space industry, such as M. Yangel, V. Budnik, A. Makarov, V. Utkin, were reflected in many museum displays and exhibitions of Ukraine. However, the personality of S. Koniukhov in them, unfortunately, did not attract enough attention, which led to the need for our study.
The article for the first time explores the representation of activities to create rocket and space technology scientist-designer, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine S. Koniukhov (12.04.1937–03.04.2011) by means of museum expositions of Ukraine. The main achievements of the scientist in the development of the space rocket industry are presented.
S. Koniukhov contributed to the development of ballistic missiles, such as R 14, R 16, R 36М, МR UR 100, R 56 Moon rocket, R 36М (SS 18, Mod. 1,2,3 Satan), combat missile systems R 36М2 (SS 18, Mod. 5,6 Satan), RТ 23 UТТH (SS 24, Scalpel) an ecologically friendly launcher Zenit, the first part of Energiya rocket. He supervised the development of Interkosmos spacecraft, automatic versatile space probes, Ocean satellites, the Sea Launch space rocket system with Zenit 3SL launcher, Dnepr and Cyclon 4 space launchers, Cronos, Sich, Ocean O, and EgyptSat spacecraft. His achievements were acknowledged both in Ukraine and abroad.
Also, in the article materials on the activities of state museums, exhibition halls at the enterprises of the rocket and space industry, museum expositions at educational institutions and private collection funds of the space and rocket profile in Ukraine are systematized and presented, the composition of their collections is briefly described. So, even though the museum expositions of Ukraine feature models of rocket and space technology, created under the guidance or with the direct participation of S. Koniukhov, as well as materials on the activity of Yuzhnoye SDO, it is necessary to state that the historical portrait of the scientist, his role and scientific contribution in the development of space rocket industry of Ukraine in museums and expositions of space profile are not represented enough.
Keywords |
S. Koniukhov, museum, museum exposition, museum collection, history of rocket and space technology, Yuzhnoye SDO, Ukraine
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