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Christian Klasen (1891–1973) as standardizer of Red Ukrainian (German) Steppe cattle breed)
full article |
Beresten Yu.
Pages: |
124-147 |
Summary |
Christian Klassen was a famous Ukrainian zoo-technic scientist, expert in German Red cattle standardization and breeding. He was born in 1891 in worker’s family, got his primary education in the factory school of Sinda town and secondary education in Riga Seminary. During 1913–1915 he was studying at the Kyiv Polytechnic University Agricultural Department. Since April 1915 to 1919, he was working in various positions in Odessa Zemsky establishments of the Kherson province, participating in the establishment of dairy cooperatives effective economic activity was engaged in issues of standardization of German Red cattle breed, its standardization and breeding problems.
In the early 1920-s he published the first scientific intelligence on organization of work with that breed. Since 1925, on behalf of the Soviet authorities, he works on creation issues of Red German Cattle National Breeding Book. Christian Klassen developed the program, instruction and ways to keep this Book, the criteria for determining its performance and reference-breeding exterior. In November 1931 scientist was invited for a work in Kharkiv Southern Milk research institute, where he continued his researches in the field of practical zoo-technics and breeding work. In 1935, he took the position of inspector in People’s Commissariat of Land department of animal husbandry. In this time, he also was engaged in administrative and scientific cattle breeding working.
Since August 1935, Christian Klassen took the Acting Head position in Dnipropetrovsk Agricultural Institute Department of Genetics and Breeding of the Zootechnical Faculty. His Candidate of Agricultural Sciences and Associate Professor academic degree was approved by decision of Apr. 22, 1937. During 1935–1941 Christian Klassen was studying the best groups of German Red cattle in advanced Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia area collective farms.
Since August 1941 until October 1943 Christian Klassen lived under German occupation authority of Reichskommissariat Ukraine. In October 1941, he took the Dean position in Agricultural branch of Dnipropetrovsk Free Ukrainian University. Because the University disband by German administration until December 1942 to fall 1943 he was working in various economic institutions.
After the Soviets, returning Christian Klassen was reinstated as the Head of Private Zoo-technics Agricultural Institute Department. He took part in Institute educational building reconstruction (1944–1948), also was engaged in providing advisory assistance to the region collective farms. Despite of this he was not selected for the position because of «Nazi’s collaboration» in 1949. In 1950, Christian Klassen was working at Ukrainian (USSR) Academy of Science Zoology Institute and Kherson Agricultural Institute, later he went to work at the Kiev Livestock Research Station. He defended his doctoral dissertation on the problems of breeding Red steppe cattle in 1964. In same year, he published a fundamental monograph on these issues. Retired since 1971. According to unconfirmed evidence, Christian Klassen died in 1973.
Keywords |
culture, animal science, livestock breeding, breeding, breed, German Red, Ukrainian Red steppe breed cattle breeding
References |
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