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The small rivers of Kiev as an integral part of its landscape and natural ecosystem (historical & environmental aspects)
full article |
Romanchuk M.
Pages: |
106-123 |
Summary |
The historical information is presented and the significance of the small rivers of Kyiv as an integral part of its natural environment is revealed and their role in forming a unique image of the capital of Ukraine with the purpose of acquainting the people of Kiev and a wide range of readers with environmental problems of small hydrological objects (the Lybid and Syrets rivers). ) on the basis of the unique fund of the cartographic editions sector of the National Library of Ukraine V. Vernadsky (SLE NBU). The data on the hydrographic characteristics of the above mentioned small rivers are presented, the problems that need to be solved in the field of ecological improvement (revitalization) of small rivers are formed.
The interest of historians, geographers, local lore scientists and hydrologists in the history of Kyiv's development, changes in its landscapes and the state of the hydrological network has not waned over the years, but has grown even more. The valuable fund of SLE NBUV, where a large number of rare editions are stored, can largely satisfy the information needs of readers. Of particular value are maps and plans that reflect the territory of Kiev with suburbs from the mid-16th century. to date. Old-printed and handwritten maps of Kiev are basic sources that contain unique information about historical events and the state of the environment, dynamics of social and natural processes, including hydrological objects of the capital.
The status of small rivers is an indicator of the state of the entire river network of each country, so it is so important to carry out special integrated measures for the revitalization of small watercourses of Kiev, to awaken the environmental and historical interest of citizens in general and Kiev in particular to the problems of small rivers, real improvement of their status, to approve an effective program rehabilitation and streamlining of water bodies of the capital city.
Keywords |
NBUV, cartographic funds, Kiev plans, small rivers, Lybid, Syrets, revitalization
References |
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